10 Awful Twists That Ruined Awesome Horror Movies

1. The Village

High Tension
Buena Vista Pictures

Could a list of bad movie twists end any other way than with the maestro of misdirect himself M. Night Shyamalan?

We did think about putting Signs on here - aliens defeated by water is really poor - but we've gone instead for his 2004 movie The Village.

The film is set in the 19th Century (or is it?) and revolves around a settlement surrounded by a group of monsters. The monsters keep the villagers from leaving, which becomes an issue when a young woman named Ivy needs medicine for her injured lover.

Through a series of events, it comes to light that the creatures are actually people in costumes. Also, the time period is actually the 21st Century, and the whole village is a secret community for people wanting to escape from the real world.

This twist is one of Shyamalan's nuttiest ever. It undermines almost everything that came before it; the setting of the village, the existence of the creatures, the entire year!

It's far too mind-boggling to be good and distracts from what could have been a really interesting story. But, then again, what else did we expect from Mr. I See Dead People?

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.