10 Awkward Movie Moments That Must Have Happened Off-Screen

3. The Disruptors Returning Home Immunised - Glass Onion

Jim Carrey The Truman Show ending

One of the most striking things about Rian Johnson's Glass Onion is that it was set during the height of the Coronavirus pandemic. The writer/director embraced the masks, social distancing, and home working, and actually included them in his movie, at least at the beginning.

When the Disruptors and Benoit Blanc were waiting to get on the boat to Miles Bron's private island, none other than Ethan Hawke came over and gave them a quick spray of something. Details were scarce, but afterwards they were told that they no longer needed their masks.

It would seem that, among the ridiculousness of Miles Bron's career, his company created a cure, or at least an immediately and totally effective vaccination, and chose not to share it with the world. Instead, his friends, and Benoit Blanc, were all immunised, so they could spend a weekend away without having to worry about things like masks and social distancing like the rest of the world.

There would've been two options when they returned: either they could explain to family, friends, and the general public exactly what happened, which wouldn't be likely to gain them any popularity; or, they could keep their immunity a secret, and simply go through the motions of wearing masks just to keep up appearances.

Either way, it's an awkward return to reality.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.