10 Awkward Star Wars Moments That Must’ve Happened Off Screen

1. Luke, Leia And Han Discuss THAT Kiss

Han Solo

Sitting as the undisputed ickiest moments the Star Wars universe has ever played host to, what at first appeared to be nothing more than a tactic to make Han Solo a little jealous on the snowy planet of Hoth, quickly became a rather unsettling occurrence once a certain revelation was made known.

If the comment of Leia somehow always knowing she was related to Luke wasn't bad enough on the back of Luke revealing himself to be her brother in Return of the Jedi, the fact Han witnessed the two siblings - one of them being his eventual-lover - playing tonsil tennis likely opened the door for a bit of an awkward exchange following on from the Ewok victory celebration.

Though the penny does admittedly appear to drop for Solo ever so slightly upon hearing the news of their Skywalker connection, the true fallout of this game-changing news is never really built upon on-screen, however. But Mark Hamill himself has actually also gone on record to admit on Twitter that this whole ordeal and reveal that Luke had actually locked lips with his own flesh and blood was "TRAUMATIC!" and a "serious life-altering experience" for the Jedi.

Simply put, our heroes clearly went through more than a few uncomfortable moments after seemingly seeing off The Empire once and for all.

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