10 Awkward Star Wars Moments That Must’ve Happened Off Screen

2. Rey's Father Explains His Origins To Her Mother

Han Solo

After initially eliciting groans aplenty on the back of it being revealed that Rey was actually a bloody Palpatine all along, the backstory behind how Darth Sidious became a granddaddy in the first place was largely left off-screen.

For those wondering whether it involved the Dark Lord of the Sith getting to "do it!", it would eventually be confirmed that Rey's father was actually a failed clone created when trying to make a new body for The Emperor. But instead of simply discarding this "useless, powerless failure", Palpatine would allow "it" to live as he "surmised that the Palpatine blood rushing through its veins might someday become useful."

Sure enough, he was proved correct.

But that still doesn't gloss over the fact that Rey's cloned paps probably endured a pretty excruciating conversation at one point with Rey's mother when the time came to explain who and what he actually was. Nevertheless, his partner clearly didn't give a damn and the two ran away to Jakku together to raise their family in secret before being forced to leave her behind to keep her safe from Sidious' reach.

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