10 Awkward Star Wars Moments That Must’ve Happened Off Screen

4. Lando Calrissian Leaves The Resistance Hanging

Han Solo

As our humble Resistance lay on the brink of complete annihilation in the closing stages of The Last Jedi, General Leia and her last remaining troops send out a desperate distress call in the hope that some of their allies will arrive to save the day.

Of course, not a single soul would show up. In this moment, many were right to wonder where the supposed friends of Leia and her cause were in arguably their darkest hour.

And while it has since been papered over as simply a case of The First Order jamming the signal sent out to the point that "very few had even heard it,", according to The Rise of Skywalker's official novelisation, that still doesn't feel like a strong enough excuse for Lando Calrissian in particular to fall back on.

As seen in the aforementioned Episode IX, the one-time Rebel General clearly didn't fancy being on the front line anymore. So, even if he had heard the call, it seems much more likely that there was a moment where he simply turned a blind eye to the Resistance's plight.

At least he saw a little more sense by the time Rise of Skywalker came to its dramatic conclusion, finally leading the long-awaited back-up into battle on the planet Exegol.

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