10 Awkward Star Wars Moments That Must’ve Happened Off Screen

3. Mace Windu's Body Has To Land Somewhere

Han Solo

While it's not exactly uncommon for a seemingly dead and buried character to somehow find a way to return to the Star Wars fold, be that after genuinely cheating death or just rocking back up in a prequel capacity, one character who does seem to be about as officially dispatched as possible in this galaxy far, far away comes in the form of the only purple lightsaber wielder ever committed to the screen.

Now, Samuel L. Jackson himself may have confessed that he and George Lucas don't necessarily think the all-powerful Jedi Master was completely dispatched by Darth Sidious back in Revenge of the Sith. But until proven otherwise, his jaw-dropping electrocuting at the hands of The Dark Lord of the Sith and subsequent firing out of a window seem about as definite an end as they come.

Yet, with so much going on in that last entry of the Prequels, it did go largely overlooked that what goes up most definitely has to come down. So, at one point Windu's body must've very much splatted onto the Coruscant pavement, likely scarring any pour soul who witnessed the legendary Jedi leader turn into Force-sensitive scrambled eggs upon impact.

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