10 Background Star Wars Characters With Ridiculously Convoluted Backstories

7. Aurra Sing

Star Wars Davin Felth

Aurra Sing briefly appeared in the galaxy far, far away during the Boonta Eve podrace in Episode I - The Phantom Menace.

And from that little glimpse at the pale alien being, it was safe to assume the gun-boasting figure was a bounty hunter of sorts. But Sing was actually so much more than that.

You see, before turning to a life of capturing and killing for money, Sing was born on the planet Nar Shaddaa, with the Palliduvan never knowing her father and having a spice-addicted mother. Her Force-sensitivity eventually led to her becoming a part of the Jedi Order, however, only for Sing to then walk away from it all to become a bounty hunter instead.

Before showing up in The Phantom Menace, the top-class sniper would work alongside the likes of Jango Fett and Cad Bane, too, and even interacted with Darth Maul before he was famously sliced in two by Obi-Wan Kenobi.

In the time post-Episode I, she'd also act as a questionable mentor to Boba Fett as the son of Jango attempted to get revenge on Mace Windu during the Clone Wars for killing his pops.

That's a hell of a history for a character with a grand total of two seconds of Skywalker Saga screen-time.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...