10 Background Star Wars Characters With Ridiculously Convoluted Backstories

6. Bazine Netal

Star Wars Davin Felth

As Han Solo, Chewbacca, and sequel trilogy newcomers Rey and Fin sit down for a chat with Maz Kanata in her castle bar in Episode VII - The Force Awakens, you'll no doubt remember seeing a gigantic alien creature chilling on a couch with a slickly dressed human.

Said person pretending to be the aforementioned Grummgar's girlfriend would eventually inform the First Order that the little astromech they were looking for, BB-8, had just rolled into the establishment. And she went by the name of Bazine Netal.

Along with being the individual responsible for bringing the First Order to Takodana, Netal actually has a quite compelling backstory, too.

Growing up as an orphan on Chaaktil, the human kept her real name a secret and was trained in martial arts by a pirate called Delphi Kloda after he took her from an orphanage. 

In the years that followed, this human, nicknamed Chaakrabbit by Kloda, was then set on fire by one of the pirate's rivals after being sent to steal an item from them - scarring the left side of her head - and would eventually take on the name of Bazine Netal.

In the end, the master of disguise and eventual bounty hunter murdered her former mentor Kloda during a mission to retrieve a valuable steel case before ultimately becoming a spy for the First Order.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...