10 Background Star Wars Characters With Ridiculously Convoluted Backstories

5. The Sarlacc

Star Wars Davin Felth

You know that horrifying creature seen swallowing Boba Fett and almost munching on Luke Skywalker and the gang during Episode VI - Return of the Jedi? Wait 'til you hear the ridiculous way it actually got on Tatooine.

Before growing into the terrifying creature Jabba the Hutt enjoys throwing folks into, Sarlaccs remarkably start out as spores. 

That's right, these beaked monsters aren't that different from mushrooms, depending on which xenobiologist you speak to, with millions of these particular spores being released when a male Sarlacc reached the same size as a female - after parasitically eating her - and exploded. Sci-fi nature is wonderful, isn't it?

It takes 30,000 years for a Sarlacc to reach full size, with it then burrowing down into the ground of whatever planet it landed on - Tatooine in this case - and eventually chowing down on the poor souls who fall into their mouths from there on out.

In short, that Episode VI Sarlacc had lived a seriously interesting life before its big screen debut.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...