10 Background Star Wars Characters With Ridiculously Convoluted Backstories

3. Lobot

Star Wars Davin Felth

Sticking with Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back's mysterious background faces, our heroes would eventually encounter a part-machine human known as Lobot during their trip to Bespin's Cloud City.

Frequently found by the side of Lando Calrissian, this figure quickly stood out from the rest thanks to his strange mechanical headband, a.k.a. an AJ^6 cyborg construct - a piece of tech which helped Lobot run battlefield calculations when he once worked for the Empire.

He'd obviously end up joining forces with the iconic smuggler Lando down the line, though, with Lobot then sadly losing his mind after being gravely wounded during one particular job. His implants would take over from that point and Lobot would eventually use that headgear to stay connected to Cloud City's central network. He also assisted Calrissian in helping himself and his friends escape the planet in Episode V.

But in Legends continuity, Lobot was also the son of a slaver who actually witnessed his father be killed by pirates at the age of just 15. 

He'd then go on to be said pirates' slave for a further two years before getting away from the clan and arriving on Bespin. From there, he was arrested for stealing and sentenced to 15 years of involuntary service, with that sentence also requiring him to be fitted with that famous headgear. But it all worked out for the best - he learned to love his job as the first cyborg computer-liaison officer in Cloud City history.

In both Canon and Legends, though, one thing is clear: Lobot went through an awful lot.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...