10 Background Star Wars Characters With Ridiculously Convoluted Backstories

2. Cornelius Evazan

Star Wars Davin Felth

When it comes to background characters in this galaxy far, far away, they don't come much creepier than the wanted, grumpy human Luke Skywalker bumped into in Mos Eisley during Episode IV - A New Hope.

That pal of Ponda Baba went by the name of Doctor Cornelius Evazan, and a quick look at his unsettling backstory reveals that he wasn't half a piece of work.

Once a surgeon with all the potential in the galaxy, Evazan ultimately decided to get a little experimental with his work. 

After going mad, the doctor began rearranging the limbs of the victims he was working on, leaving them horribly scarred. But karma bit the surgeon on the ass in the end, with Evazan himself getting horrifically scarred when a bounty hunter tried to take him out. 

Then, whilst working with the Crimson Dawn syndicate, this horrendous person would become Solo: A Star Wars Story's Dryden Vos' personal doctor before also creating the disturbing Decraniated - victims turned into cyberslaves before being sold against their will.

All that before he even turned up in the cantina all those years ago. Yeesh.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...