10 Bad-Ass Actions Carried Out By Comic Book Movie Villains

1. Joker Impales A Man On A Pencil

Joker Pencil In an absolutely awesome display of cockiness, authority and indeed skill, the Joker gathers a group of Mob bosses to offer his services in killing Batman for a large sum of money. He walks in to the room, sticks a pencil in the desk vertically and tells the Mob bosses in the conference room that he is going to perform a "magic trick" and make the pencil "disappear." The group of Mob bosses think it's a joke and that the Joker is wasting their time, so one of them sends a man to beat him up. The Joker calmly watches the man come after him before slamming his head down onto the pencil. When the dead body slides off the table the pencil is fully inside the man's head and thus the pencil has indeed "disappeared." This was awesome because the Joker obviously predicted that the Mob bosses were going to send one of their men after him when he mentioned the "magic trick." By killing the man with the pencil and making the pencil "disappear", he kept his word, creeped out the Mob bosses and showed them that he could predict their movements as only the Joker can. So, there you have it, ten awesome actions carried out by villains in comic book movies. Which other ones can you think of? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.