10 Bad-Ass Actions Carried Out By Comic Book Movie Villains

2. Magneto Moves The Golden Gate Bridge

Magneto Bridge Magneto, along with the rest of the mutant population, is alerted to the fact that a "cure" for the mutant gene has been discovered. The source of the cure is a young boy named Jimmy (based on the character Leech from the comics), who is being held in a secure facility on Alcatraz Island. Knowing that the X-Men would try to stop him, Magneto gathers a group of powerful mutants to accompany him to Alcatraz Island to dispose of the boy. In order to get to the island in the first place, he carries out a feat of near-immeasurable power. He goes to the Golden Gate Bridge, which is full of cars and people at the time, and uses his control over metal to lift the entire thing over the body of water around Alcatraz Island to create a path for him and his army. With all of the cars and people on it, the total weight must be something approaching a million tonnes. A very impressive feat.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.