10 Bad-Ass Actions Carried Out By Comic Book Movie Villains

7. Doom Steals Surfer's Power

Doom Surfer Having studied the Silver Surfer with the express purpose of gaining his powers, Victor Von Doom goes to the United States military, under the leadership of General Hager with a plan to stop the Surfer's destruction of the Earth. He discovers that the Surfer's power comes from his board and, after joining forces with the military and the Fantastic Four, they collectively subdue the Surfer with an energy device that separates him from his board - which they take from him. Doom receives permission to study the board under strict supervision, but he knocks out all of the guards guarding the board and kills General Hager by completely obliterating him with an energy blast. He dons a new mask and body armor, along with a dark green leather cloak and, using a tachyon-pulse wrist device that he designed while in Reed Richard's lab, he attaches himself to the surfboard and goes on a rampage which requires Johnny Storm combining all of the Fantastic Four's powers to stand up to him.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.