10 Bad-Ass Actions Carried Out By Comic Book Movie Villains

6. Killian Chops Iron Man's Armour In Half

Killian Chop After his men had abducted the American President, Aldrich Killian had planned to orchestrate a live feed showing the President's murder around the world. However, Tony Stark and James Rhodes interrupted him by attacking his base with the help of Tony's JARVIS-controlled Iron Man suits. In the subsequent battle, after several Extremis soldiers and several of Stark's armours had been destroyed, Killian approached Tony and taunted him for a one-on-one battle. The two engaged in a brutal fight with Tony switching between various Iron Man suits as Killian destroyed each one after another. The coolest armour destruction, however, came soon after the official big reveal from Killian that he was the real Mandarin. He heated up his Extremis-powered arm and delivered a comic-book-Mandarin-esq karate chop to Tony - who ejected from his armour just in time to see the chop slice the armour clean in two.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.