10 Bad-Ass Actions Carried Out By Comic Book Movie Villains

3. Bane Cripples Batman

Bane Batman Having utilised the services of cat burglar Selina Kyle to lure Bruce Wayne in to the sewers of Gotham City, Bane confronts the masked hero. Whilst down there, Bane reveals his \plans to fulfil Ra's al Ghul's destiny, reveals that he knows Batman's true identity, reveals that they are both initiated in to the League of Shadows and fights the Dark Knight (even succeeding at doing so in the dark, which he says to Batman is something he was born in to, but the caped crusader has simply adopted). Ultimately, Bane ends up breaking Batman's back and crippling him, having lifted him above his head and dropped him on to his knee. Bane then places Wayne in an inescapable prison before initiating a revolution to rise against Gotham's rich.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.