10 'Bad Guy' Movie Characters Who Were Actually Good All Along

9. The Silver Surfer - Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer

Now You See Me Mark Ruffalo
20th Century Studios

Long before Julia Garner was cast as the Silver Surfer for the MCU's reboot of The Fantastic Four, Laurence Fishburne voiced the character in Tim Story's second go at Marvel's First Family, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. The movie wasn't received with a huge amount of fanfare, but Norrin Radd is widely regarded as one of its best aspects.

His initial story went the way any fan of the comics would expect, with the chrome-plated being acting as the herald of Galactus, leading the cosmic entity to new planets to devour with a beacon from his surfboard.

After several clashes with the Fantastic Four, it was revealed that the Surfer wasn't truly a villain, only serving Galactus as a way of keeping his own home safe. In reality, he was a hero, just from the perspective of his planet and people - though in uniting with the titular team and sacrificing himself to destroy his boss, he was a hero to all mankind.

In the post-credit scene, the Surfer was revealed to still be alive and floating through space, and with a title like Rise of the Silver Surfer, it's not hard to picture the spin-off franchise with the hero at the forefront that could have been, had it not been for Fox's decision to eventually reboot the entire Fantastic Four property.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.