10 ‘Bad’ Horror Movies Everyone Gets Wrong

8. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation

Jason X
New Line Cinema

Given just how far The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series has fallen from grace, it's remarkable that its fourth entry is still often considered its worst.

And don't get me wrong here, it's not exactly a great film, but when compared to the likes of Leatherface and Texas Chainsaw 3D, it's a borderline masterpiece.

Grotesque hyperbole aside though, The Next Generation is a startling wild and intriguing film when you scratch beneath the surface. The film opens on a nudge-wink text-screen that jokingly alludes to the previous movies, before essentially launching head-first into a highly cynical and darkly funny re-telling of the first film's events.

Penned by the same writer as the original film, The Next Generation lampoons many of that film's ideas, as well as taking aim at the declining state of the genre at the time - i.e. through Leatherface's ineffectiveness and the bizarre ending which implies that the film's events have been orchestrated by mysterious businessmen.

In retrospect, it's surprisingly satirical, but sadly it's so bogged down in retreading the original that many of its more zany ideas are either lost in translation or simply outweighed by the sheer insanity of what's happening on the screen.

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Horror Jason X
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UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.