10 ‘Bad’ Horror Movies Everyone Gets Wrong

7. Halloween II (2009)

Jason X

Rob Zombie's first stab at a Halloween movie did yield mixed results, but for the most part, it succeeded in what it set out to do - reinvent the Halloween franchise and take it in a completely different direction.

When the time came for a sequel, Zombie himself had no intention of returning but eventually relented when offered creative freedom.

And boy howdy does his disdain shine through. Halloween II is a much darker, meaner, and genuinely antagonistic film that revels in nihilism and misery. Unlike other slasher sequels where the characters are able to move on, the survivors of Michael's previous rampage are shown to be highly damaged as a result.

The script does tend to buckle under itself at numerous points, but as an exploration of trauma, survivor's guilt, and the way in which violence perverts everything around it, it's pretty damn effective.

Audiences were likely expecting something more akin to previous Halloween entries but were presented with perhaps the most oppressive and misanthropic slasher film ever made. It's certainly got its flaws, but it's hard to label it as a truly bad movie when it's capable of crafting such a palpable sense of hopelessness through its sharp cinematography and insanely violent kills.

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Horror Jason X
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UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.