10 Bad Horror Movies (With ONE Great Scene)

6. The Liquid Nitrogen Face Smash - Jason X

Saw V Strahm
New Line Cinema

By the time a horror franchise reaches its 10th entry and decides to go to space, all bets are off - nobody expects anything seriously good from it, and the filmmakers basically have free license to do anything they want.

Jason X, to be clear, is not a good movie in any classical sense. It's toe-curlingly corny, full of cringe-worthy dialogue and bad acting, and touts visual effects that would scarcely pass muster in a PS1 game cutscene.

But Jason X also features a single kill brilliant enough to immortalise the entire movie, and to distinguish itself as one of the most creative death scenes the genre - hell, cinema! - has ever seen.

When medical intern Adrienne (Kristi Angus) is performing an autopsy on Jason's (Kane Hodder) thawed-out corpse, he suddenly wakes up and dunks her head in a vat of liquid nitrogen.

After her face freezes, he pulls it out and immediately smashes it on the desk, shattering her face into shards of frozen gore. Director Jim Isaac even gives us a nice quick glimpse of the hollowed-out stump that used to be Adrienne's face.

Scientific implausibility be-damned - the kill was busted by MythBusters in 2009 - it represents the series at its most inventive, bringing an almost playful brutality to the wackiest Friday the 13th movie of all.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.