10 Bad Movies With Great Trailers
3. Pearl Harbor
After the triple-whammy of Bad Boys, The Rock and Armageddon, Michael Bay was the undisputed wunderkind of action cinema, and while 'subtlety' isn't a phrase you ever hear used in conjunction with him these days, before people actually had the chance to see Pearl Harbor it seemed for a while as though the director had tried to make something with a bit of genuine substance to it.
The term 'Titanic of war movies' may have become a stick with which to beat the movie following its release and subsequent critical panning, but the trailers promised that on a visual level alone, Bay wasn't too far off.
Pear Harbor may be an excessively long and frequently interminable 'epic' to sit through packed full of war movie cliches, cardboard characters and awful dialogue, but the extended action sequence surrounding the attack itself may well be the best set-piece the orchestrator of Bayhem has ever directed.