10 Bad Signs That Spell Doom For Paul Feig's Ghostbusters
1. Months On, The Fans Still Hate Every Bit Of This Reboot
The internet has not been kind to this project. And whatever you think of internet "haters," when it's this strong, you have to imagine that it's a reflection, if magnified, of the fan base as a whole.
Consider the reaction to the latest cast shot, which when posted to Twitter had comments like "whose horrible idea was this?" and "this movie will 100% be awful." The number of negative comments easily outweighs the positive. So who is this movie being made for? If it's not being made for fans of the original - who clearly aren't happy - why use the name and logo, instead of making an original concept?
While defenders of the remake are quick to lay blame at the feet of those who don't think girls can be funny and claim it's misogyny, the reality is much, much simpler: fans are tired of remakes, almost as tired of reboots, and would rather see an original film, or at least a sequel. If that can't be done - well some things are best left untouched. It's not about gender: had the movie been done right, it wouldn't have mattered. Mad Max: Fury Road recast its main role, had a female (arguably) take the lead, and turned out fantastic. Sadly, there's nothing to indicate the new Ghostbusters can do the same.