10 Baffling Decisions That RUINED Artemis Fowl
7. The Exposition Never Ends

The first half-hour of Artemis Fowl is LOADED with exposition.
The second half-hour of Artemis Fowl is also LOADED with exposition.
And guess what?
The third and final half-hour of Artemis Fowl is, believe it or not, LOADED with exposition.
Pretty much every line of dialogue in this film is some sort of exposition. Nobody ever has conversation like a normal, human person. If anyone speaks, it is to give us some new piece of useless information, or further the confusing plot along at a breakneck pace.
This type of storytelling can be done well, if the filmmakers make any attempt to hide the exposition within realistic dialogue and/or the actions of the characters. Instead, we have ninety minutes of each character verbally telling us exactly what is currently happening, just in case we couldn't tell by looking at the screen.
As a result, Artemis Fowl feels more like an audiobook with pictures than a feature film.