10 Bafflingly High 2015 IMDb Scores You Won't Believe

1. Entourage

The Score: 6.7/10 What It Should Be: 2/10 Entourage, based on the successful HBO TV series of the same name, has been deemed by some critics to be one of the worst movies ever made - an ill-judged mess of filmic terribleness. Just ask critic Mark Kermode, who reviewed the film in the form of one of his trademark rants, claiming that it "makes Sex and the City 2 like an art film." Oo-er. He's right: Entourage is absolutely one of the worst films of 2015 - perhaps of all-time. Sitting down to watch it, anybody unfamiliar with the far better TV series will be totally and utterly baffled by its success. For Entourage: The Movie emphasises all of the show's worst qualities, offering up a two-hour tapestry of awful. The characters are insufferable. The plot makes no sense. If there was an attempt at satire, it is utterly lost in the final product. That such unbearable trash managed a 6.7 rating on IMDb, then: well, it's shocking. The only explanation is that tens of thousands of Entourage fans rated it with a 10, thus cementing it with a score that it doesn't deserve. A score of 2 would be more suitable. Like this article? Agree or disagree with our choices? Got any other baffling high IMDb scores to add to the list that we somehow missed? Let us know in the comments section.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.