10 Bafflingly High 2015 IMDb Scores You Won't Believe

3. The Longest Ride

The Score: 7.1/10 What It Should Be: 5/10 The Longest Ride is the latest awful adaptation of a Nicholas Sparks' book. These things are seemingly churned out on an endless conveyer belt with no real concern for quality - as is the case with Sparks' novels, it doesn't matter to the studio whether or not the movie is actually any good: people are going to pay to see it anyway. And yet The Longest Ride, which only managed 31% on Rotten Tomatoes, has a better IMDb rating than Primer, Drag Me To Hell, Mars Attacks, The Babadook and Enemy. More people deemed this arbitrary love story, with its sickly sweet conceit and bad acting, to be a more worthwhile motion picture venture than Under the Skin, last year's modern sci-fi masterpiece starring Scarlett Johansson (which has a bafflingly low rating of just 6.3). The Longest Ride is everything that is wrong with Hollywood romantic dramas. It is worthy of no more than a rating of 5. The fact that is has above a 6, even, is terribly sad news.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.