10 Bafflingly High IMDb Movie Ratings You Won't Believe

2. Man Of Steel

IMDb Rating: 7.3 With the way IMDb results are skewed it's only to be expected that some cinematic atrocities will end up with scores they really don't deserve. But even with that in mind it's hard to not be baffled by Man Of Steel's 7.3. This is the movie so lacklustre it saw Superman almost beaten by Thor at the box office. The film so needlessly revisionist it made Superman Returns a fun proposition. The motion picture event that so failed to connect with audiences that not only was Batman called out of semi-retirement to make the sequel sound interesting, but when Bruce Wayne didn't provide enough of a draw the rest of the Justice League were lined up for cameos as well. It should be slumming it with the likes of Green Lantern and Spider-Man 3 (not Batman & Robin - it's not that bad), not sitting proudly alongside the mid-range entries of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There's clearly those who didn't mind the movie, but that there's a sizeable enough proportion of people out there who actively enjoyed it to see it rank as the joint highest Superman movie (tied with Superman: The Movie) is unbelievable.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.