10 Bafflingly High IMDb Movie Ratings You Won't Believe

1. Interstellar

IMDb Rating: 8.9 (17th on Top 250) Right, let's get this clear from the off - Interstellar is not a bad film. It placed twelfth on WhatCulture.com's 20 Best Films Of 2014 list and is by all accounts an incredibly ambitious picture that, for the most part, delivers on its promises. The story is more far reaching than any other sci-fi, bar arguably 2001: A Space Odyssey, and it's a visual marvel that will remain fresh long after Caesar and Groot begin to look blocky. But is it one of the greatest films ever made? Nope. To paraphrase Nolan himself, the film's imagination exceeds its reach, with not everything working. Put simply, some key complaints make it an imperfect watch - it's overlong and has a sound editing problem so glaring that it sucks you out of the narrative at multiple key moments. A rating of 8.9 is eye-wateringly high, allowing a movie released only a couple of months ago to sit at #17 on IMDb's Top 250 and making it Nolan's second highest rated film (The Dark Knight sits on a deserving 9.0). Would anybody really say Interstellar is a better movie than Memento? Or The Prestige? Or Inception? Well, clearly some people do, but isn't it incredibly hyperbolic? There's been a sizeable backlash in minor corners of the film-obsessed internet, but clearly those who claim the film as Nolan's masterpiece greatly outnumber them. Do any of these movies deserve their high rating? Are there any more you think are rated too high? Discuss it all down in the comments.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.