10 Bafflingly High IMDb Movie Ratings You Won't Believe

8. Transformers

IMDb Rating: 7.2 The Transformers franchise personifies the perceived audience-critic divide, with the condemning of each new entry in the fetishised toy commercial by the press dependably rebutted by 'regular moviegoers' claiming you just need to "switch your brain off and enjoy the action". Those reactions are flat-out wrong - it's hard to enjoy action shot with the sensitivity of a bull on Red Nose Day and while mindless movies can sometimes be fun, ones so stupid they force the brain back into gear with their illogicies are definitely not - but that divide somewhat explains why the first of Michael Bay's anti-masterpieces has a high 7.2 rating on IMDb. Although given the subsequent entries are languishing a good few points lower there's clearly something stranger at work here. When Transformers first hit, many, including those in the mainstream press, were keen to give a dumb movie a free pass - a mix of industry hammering, Steven Spielberg involvement and fear of looking joyless no doubt motivated reviews that are far from glowing, but don't fully trash the film. It's really no better than the others, yet when presented on the site certainly looks so.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.