10 Banned Horror Movies That Shocked The World

4. Land Of The Dead

Nekromantic Kiss

With the other movies on this list, it seems a given that they were going to get themselves into hot water with the content they were churning out - but with Land of the Dead, the perfectly average horror movie also found its way to the cutting pile.

Like any normal zombie horror movie, Land of the Dead depicts a world where humans have cordoned off a section of civilisation for themselves after the undead apocalypse, following a group of survivors that must evade monsters that have learned to adapt. There's grisly corpses, some peril, and some lovely George A. Romero flair thrown in - so what was the big deal?

Ukraine were the big country to take offence here, with everyone else giving it a fair rating and sending it on its way. After a horrific genocide in the 1930s that left many people starving, the populous was forced to eat human flesh to survive - with the country left particularly sensitive to topical zombie movies in the aftermath.

It might not have been a large scale ban for Land of the Dead, but the shock of Ukraine's decision gave it that little sprinkle of worldwide infamy any grisly horror story looks for.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.