10 Basic Mistakes That Ruin Movies

4. Blood Types Break The Plot - Face/Off

Dodgeball Vince Vaughn
Buena Vista Pictures

Now to be fair, anyone who reads too much into the scientific implausibilities of John Woo's Face/Off is rather missing the point, but for as much as the movie glosses over most of the dubious details, it doesn't do itself any favours by bringing up the central characters' blood types.

It's stated early on that FBI agent Sean Archer (John Travolta) and villain Castor Troy (Nicolas Cage) have different blood types, as is ultimately how Archer is able to convince his wife Eve (Joan Allen) that his face and identity have been stolen by Troy.

But for the scientists in the crowd, this immediately breaks the movie's admittedly flimsy-ass grasp on logic. 

Archer's blood type is said to be O while Troy's is AB, and though the AB blood type can receive blood and tissue donations from any blood type, they can only donate to AB recipients.

And so, while Troy's body would've been able to accept Archer's face transplant, Archer's body would've rejected Troy's face, ensuring Troy's entire plan would've been a big ol' flop.

But again, it's Face/Off - if you're able, you should just cast things like basic scientific fact aside and just enjoy the barmy, adrenalised ride.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.