10 Batman Movie Villains Reimagined For The DCEU

1. Slasher Villain Victor Zsasz

josh gad penguin
DC Comics

Nobody ever points out how weird it was to have James frontman Tim Booth in the role of Gotham's serial killer in residence Victor Zsasz in Batman Begins.

To be fair, it was a small role and Zsasz is usually a bit-part character, but he could be a useful pawn for the DC Extended Universe to deploy all the same.

Having a serial killer stalking the streets of Gotham and turning its gutters red with spilled blood would be a good way to ramp up the horror in an R-rated Batman movie, setting it apart from his other cinematic outings.

Zsasz should be presented as your classic slasher villain, chilling, menacing and full of jump-scares, but he's never going to be a lead villain, which isn't to say he wouldn't be a good fit on screen alongside other Bat foes.

Nicholas Hoult could play him in the DCEU. Take his Mad Max: Fury Road character, add a few dozen tally marks to his skin and he's basically in the role already.


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