10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For DCEU Characters' Quirks

9. Potty-Mouthed Batman

Wonder Woman Vampire's Kiss
Warner Bros.

Zack Snyder's DCEU movies are certainly noted for their edginess, and it's accurate to say that his interpretation of Batman (Ben Affleck) in Batman v Superman proved divisive in that regard.

Despite the general enthusiasm for Affleck's performance in the role, many fans took umbrage with the character's willingness to kill criminals.

In less offensive terms, Snyder also decided to have his Batman curse, as when he's about to be obliterated by Doomsday (Robin Atkin Downes) at the end, he says, "Oh s**t."

It's a strange and strangely amusing moment, yet despite Snyder's missive of making these superheroes more realistic, "mature" characters, surprisingly enough it wasn't his idea at all.

In fact, Ben Affleck improvised the line entirely himself while shooting, and Snyder liked it enough that he put it in the final film. Affleck said in an interview with EW:

"I just improv'd that. I had a feeling that it would work and that it would be funny... I improvised and I talked to Zack about it and I think this will really work because you don't expect it - and because it's Batman, and at that moment he is so incredibly overmatched... We've taken these characters and are treating them more and more realistically... It seems very realistic that he would say that at that point."

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.