10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For DCEU Characters' Quirks

8. Superman's Hairy Chest

Wonder Woman Vampire's Kiss
Warner Bros.

Of all the things people couldn't stop talking about when Man of Steel hit cinemas almost a decade (!) ago, it was Superman's (Henry Cavill) voluminous mound of chest hair. Yup.

Given that movie superheroes almost always have waxed or shaved chests, it was surprising to see a superhero - especially one of the most iconic of all time - touting a rug on his bod.

But as it turns out, this came from Henry Cavill himself, an unsurprisingly hairy-chested fellow who was asked to shave his chest for the film's oil rig sequence, yet refused, citing the fact that Superman was clearly shown to have a hairy chest in the famous Death of Superman comic.

In his own words, he said:

"It's something that I wanted because in the comic book 'The Death of Superman,' there's this bit where his costume's ripped, and he's making the ultimate sacrifice and he's got this hairy chest and I was like 'Okay, why is the perception that because he's muscly, he must have no body hair?' And I thought, 'Why can't we just do that, like in the comic books?' And so we did."

While certainly a surprising choice, it's tough to imagine many having genuine complaints about it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.