10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For DCEU Characters' Quirks

6. King Shark's Redesign

Wonder Woman Vampire's Kiss
Warner Bros.

King Shark (Sylvester Stallone) is another ludicrously entertaining character in The Suicide Squad, though that didn't stop comic book purists from calling out the character's significantly altered look from the source material.

In his most popular iteration in the New 52 comics, King Shark was modelled after a hammerhead, but James Gunn made the surprising call to redesign him as a great white.

In a now-deleted tweet, however, he explained that the decision was primarily one related to practical filmmaking. He said:

"I did tests with the hammerhead design, which I love and originally thought I'd use. But having eyes on the sides far apart made it incredibly awkward shooting interactions with other people. You couldn't really see him looking at the other person and the shots tended to be too wide. But I was insistent on the dad-bod from the beginning as I didn't think King Shark would have such mammalian body structure."

Ultimately King Shark went down gangbusters with fans regardless, so it's tough to imagine many caring all that much about the change - odd thought they might initially find it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.