10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For DCEU Characters' Quirks

7. Aquaman's Unique Greeting With His Father

Wonder Woman Vampire's Kiss
Warner Bros.

Early on in Aquaman, Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa) meets up with his father Thomas (Temuera Morrison) at his home, and the two share a unique greeting where they embrace one another, put their heads together, and touch noses.

Rather than a trait specific to the Aquaman character from the comics, though, this was actually something that Jason Momoa and Temuera Morrison decided to do themselves.

With both actors being of Polynesian descent, they opted to perform a hongi - a traditional Māori greeting which, indeed, involves two people pressing their noses and optionally also their heads together. Symbolically, it allows the participants to "share the breath of life."

It's certainly a neat addition to the Aquaman character, helping him feel rooted in a conceivable reality despite how totally extra the movie as a whole generally is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.