10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For Star Wars Character Traits

7. Laura Dern Can't Help But Pew - Admiral Holdo's Blasting Gestures

holdo star wars

Look, you'd be lying if you said that at one point in your life you didn't find yourself wielding a fake pistol or blaster and letting loose the ever-faithful "pew-pew" or another sound effect variation when picking off your pals or some imaginary antagonists.

But there's having a bit of innocent fun whilst sprinting around your living room and then there's pretending to pick off the galaxy's forces of evil on the set of one of the biggest films of the decade. Yet, even that intimidating reality still couldn't stop Laura Dern from unleashing a few instinctive blasts from her mouth during the filming of Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi.

In fact, Dern got so carried away with her blaster in hand on set that Johnson couldn't help but lace a few of her mouthed utterances of "pew-pew" into the finished article itself, with Admiral Holdo very much being spotted inaudibly "pew-ing" when firing off her weapon in the flick.

So, there you have it. Even one of the most respected military leaders in the galaxy couldn't resist "pew-ing" her way out of trouble...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...