10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For Star Wars Character Traits

6. George Lucas Tinkered With The Suit - Darth Vader's Odd Toddler Walk

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Finally unleashing a moment that fans had spent three whole films eagerly awaiting the arrival of, Hayden Christensen's first steps in the iconic Vader suit were as memorable as they were initially a touch jarring.

After spending three Original Trilogy entries and a ton of other Extended Universe stories with the indomitable Dark Lord of the Sith strutting around various corners of the galaxy like a cyborg Sith possessed, the sight of him stumbling and fumbling his way into being during Revenge of the Sith, while understandable, took some getting used to.

This was all by design, however, with George Lucas cheekily tinkering with the legendary costume by adding some noticeable weight to its upper half in a bid to provoke a feeling of unfamiliarity and uncomfortableness in Christensen's performance.

With Anakin Skywalker himself not fully adapted to his new way of being, Christensen's own difficulties getting to grips with the weighty costume helped add another layer of authenticity to this fallen Jedi's initially arduous steps into the world of the Dark Side.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...