10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For Star Wars Character Traits

3. Ewan McGregor Had A Habit Of Changing Hair - Obi-Wan Kenobi's Inconsistent Weave

holdo star wars

More than making his own captivating mark on a character initially made beloved by Sir Alec Guinness many moons ago, Ewan McGregor's mesmerising iteration of everyone's favourite Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi was one of the most consistent elements of an otherwise hit-and-miss Prequel series.

Well, aside from his ever-changing weave, that is.

Thanks to McGregor changing up his hair in the time between principal photography on The Phantom Menace and that Episode's reshoots 6-8 months later, the actor was forced to don a noticeably jarring hairpiece in an effort to keep up the facade of Kenobi having his Jedi padawan locks throughout.

And these same inconsistent hair troubles would rear their head once again in the making of Attack of the Clones, with McGregor's part in Black Hawk Down requiring the actor to shave his head and face in-between the principal photography and reshoots on Episode II.

Only this time, instead of only being lumped with a blatant wig of wavy artificial locks, the Scottish star was also forced to sport some fake facial fuzz, too, leaving the wise Jedi Master with one of the patchiest hairstyles in the galaxy thanks to the actor's busy workload around the time.

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