10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For Star Wars Character Traits

4. Harrison Ford's A Pointer - Han Solo's Finger Wagging

holdo star wars
Lucasfilm Ltd.

When agreeing to add one of the most charismatic actors ever to grace a big screen into your movie mix, a few things are almost guaranteed.

A number of cheeky smirks breaking hearts the world over.

More fiery growls than a p*ssed off grisly bear.

And at least one finger point will be sent the way of a fellow cast-mate over the course of a shoot.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Harrison Ford to lace his eventually iconic trademark gesture into Han Solo's personality, with perhaps his most notable utilising of the sacred finger coming in the beat which sees the smuggler shut the regularly running motor-mouth of C-3PO up aboard the Millennium Falcon in The Empire Strikes Back.

A New Hope saw Ford letting loose his pointer on Jabba the Hutt, too, with the legendary thespian's index finger of doom also popping up in everything from the Indiana Jones series to The Fugitive over the years.

In short, if Ford is showing up on the scene, there's a solid change his handy weapon of choice won't be too far away from the action.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...