10 Behind-The-Scenes Secrets Of MCU Movies
6. Endgame's Cut Content

Every film has some content left on the cutting room floor, with a movie as massive as Avengers: Endgame there was more than 'some' stuff cut, here's a quick run-down of some of the most interesting things that were removed.
Nebula had a moment where she wore the infinity gauntlet (and stood in a stance that was obviously intended to pay homage to the time she wielded the gauntlet in the comics. Nakia was supposed to appear alongside the other heroes in the portals scene. Audiences were supposed to see more of Thanos' backstory, including his family and pre-warrior appearance.
Arguably, most criminal thing cut is the moment that was supposed to see Doctor Strange swap his mystical cloak for Tony Stark's Iron Man armour - because, judging by the concept art, it would've been awesome. Fingers crossed it's included down the line, perhaps in the Doctor Strange sequel.