10 Best & 10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2015


10. Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

RT Rating: 13% The continued success of the Paranormal Activity franchise is a painful mystery: long after the audacity and brilliant simplicity of the original dried up entirely, there are still sequels. And somehow, people are still going to see them without any of their charm. It probably all comes down to the innate pleasure of being scared witless by something that won€™t burrow too far into your psyche and stop you sleeping: the disposable joys that made the original so good. But that€™s not at all satisfying when the framework is cobbled together from recycled plot points and is so cliched it feels almost like a spoof of itself. Mercifully, this is the last one, but anyone looking for answers or a satisfying end-point will have been left badly wanting.
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