10 Best & 10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2015

3. Amityville Death House & Amityville Playhouse

RT Rating: Not Listed Incredibly, despite the fact that the original movie - released in 1979 - was a critical bust, the Amityville Horror franchise has swollen into a bloated, seething blight on the horror genre, now totalling a ming-boggling 13 movies. Even more incredibly not a single one of them have been any good. You no doubt missed it, but in 2015, two high-numbered sequels were released to absolutely no fanfare whatsoever - not that either of them deserved it. By now, the franchise has entirely ran out of ideas, trotting through haunted house cliches and vainly looking for a slightly new spin to justify its existence. In the Playhouse case, that means not even being set in the famous old house. They€™re both provocatively bad, with Eric Roberts continuing his terrible career choices by playing the Dark Lord in Death House. It would be shameful if it wasn€™t so inevitable. And guess what, there€™s another one coming in 2016.
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