10 Best & 10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2016

The Worst

10. Blair Witch

Blair Witch Talia

Picking up 20 years on from the events that took place in The Blair Witch Project, and seemingly ignoring its dire 2000 sequel Book of Shadows thankfully enough, the all-new Blair Witch follows the younger brother of missing student filmmaker Heather Donahue and his friends as they attempt to discover what happened to his sister all those years ago.

And that’s roundabout where the differences between the original and second sequel end. The same found footage aesthetic is used, albeit in a far more stylised manner, as are the same creepy stick figures, crumbling old houses and looming woodland setting. Basically, Blair Witch is an unimpressive rehash of the far superior original with none of its shock value.

Maybe the movie could’ve held more sway had it not been released so many years after The Blair Witch Project or if it actually had something new to offer the franchise. But to wait so long and then to do it so poorly is like a kick in the face to the genuinely ground-breaking and scary original.


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