10 Best & 10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2016

7. Martyrs

Martyrs 2016
Anchor Bay

When Hollywood remakes European horror films, or any other foreign horrors for that matter, a few problems always seem to arise. Namely, such remakes are either entirely superfluous and bring nothing new to the original or they’re just plain awful. Sometimes they’re both. Just think of the unintentionally hilarious Nicolas Cage fronted remake of The Wicker Man or director Michael Haneke’s pointless, shot-for-shot English language remake of his own film Funny Games for proof. The latest movie to join these subpar ranks is a remake of Pascal Laugier’s New French Extremity flick Martyrs.

While Laugier’s original Martyrs was a graphic tour de force of violence, the Goetz Brothers’ remake is none of this and more. Nigh on a shot-for-shot remake and comparatively tame, the remake tones down the jarring violence that made the original so controversial but also refreshing and brings nothing new to the table.

Let’s just keep our fingers crossed that the forthcoming remake of Euro horror classic Suspiria fares a bit better than Martyrs.


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