10 Best & 10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2016

4. The Veil

The Veil 2016
Universal Pictures

Phil Joanou, a director better known for making U2 music videos than movies, made his first foray into the horror genre this year with the Jessica Alba fronted movie The Veil. We wish he hadn’t bothered.

Alba stars as a documentary filmmaker determined to uncover the truth about what happened to the sole survivor of a brainwashed religious cult. So, with film crew and sole survivor in tow Alba travels to the site of the mass suicide that took all but one of the cult’s members 25 years previously. But whereas The Invitation nailed the creepy religious cult theme to a T, The Veil wastes this potentially great premise and quickly descends into silly, un-scary territory with its only saving grace being a solid performance from Thomas Jane as a charismatic but crazy cult leader.

Looks like producers Blumhouse foresaw the movie being a bomb too. It bypassed theatres for a straight-to-VOD release and still managed to be hailed as one of the worst horrors of the year.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.