10 Best "Everything You Know Is A Lie" Moments In Star Wars

1. "I Am Your Father" - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars Episode Iii Revenge Of The Sith Order 66

Still ranking as perhaps the greatest unexpected twist in cinematic history, Darth Vader's stunning reveal mid-duel with Luke Skywalker likely left the latter second-guessing every "truth" he was ever told for the remainder of his life.

After originally believing that his father was nothing more than a spice freighter navigator, Obi-Wan Kenobi would ultimately explain to young Luke that his dad was actually a Jedi Knight who was tragically killed by Vader many moons ago.

But in the wake of that apparent truth changing the way Skywalker viewed his fallen father, Luke would once again have to deal with the fact he'd been living a lie on the back of the masked icon's revelation of being his paps all along during the closing stages of The Empire Strikes Back.

If that wasn't enough, when confronting his Force Ghost Master about this unexpected turn-of-events and being blatantly lied to, the Jedi-in-training soon discovers that the "other" that Yoda was referring to was actually a twin sister Luke didn't realise he even had, too. And better yet, said twin was none other than Leia Organa!

What an awkward rollercoaster, eh?

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