10 Best "Everything You Know Is A Lie" Moments In Star Wars

5. The Tusken Raiders Show Their True Colours - The Book Of Boba Fett

Star Wars Episode Iii Revenge Of The Sith Order 66

For the longest time, Tatooine's Tusken Raider's were presented as barbaric beings to be feared, with the sand world natives infamously attacking Luke Skywalker during A New Hope and taking Shmi Skywalker captive before her son horrifically massacred a clan in Attack of the Clones.

But instead of doubling down on this problematic framing of indigenous communities being little more than feral brutes, The Book of Boba Fett opted to brilliantly change the way both the audience and central figures in the galaxy far, far away viewed the Tatooine race.

With the titular bounty hunter also finding himself being captured by the unmistakable group in the wake of escaping his Sarlaac pit fate, his taking down of a sand beast whilst being forced to dig for black melons eventually leads to the tribe accepting him as part of the gang. And it's this development that paves the way for both Fett and the viewer to see the Tuskens in an entirely different light than before.

Far from being little more than a wild, bloodthirsty people, Boba soon discovers that the Raiders actually boast their own religious traditions, a complex language, and a strong community who are simply doing all they can to survive and protect their families on the unstable desert world.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...