10 Best "Everything You Know Is A Lie" Moments In Star Wars

4. Galen Erso Reveals He's Been Living A Lie To Add A Death Star Weakness - Rogue One

Star Wars Episode Iii Revenge Of The Sith Order 66

After being abandoned by her paps early in her life, with Galen Erso being forced back into working for the Empire, the resilient Rebel Jyn was then eventually left behind by Saw Gerrera and his Partisans later down the road, too.

So, it's not hard to see why Jyn would be nursing a bit of resentment towards both men in the lead up to the moment she was tasked with meeting with Gerrera to uncover the message Galen had sent to the Rebels about a superweapon being forged by the Imperials.

However, as this frustrated and regularly discarded daughter eventually took in the message from her absent father, a lie she'd been believing in for 15 years soon began to unravel before her teary eyes.

On top of revealing that he wasn't actually loyal to the Empire and had gone undercover in order to plant a secret weakness in the heart of the Death Star, Galen explains via pre-recorded hologram message that his love for Jyn has never faded and that he has desperately missed her all this time.

There, in one of the most moving two minutes ever unleashed on the galaxy, Jyn's pain and heartache over being seemingly coldly ditched and forgotten by her father evaporates as she realises he was simply trying to protect her and the Rebels from afar.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...