10 Best "You Don't Know Who You're Messing With" Horror Movie Scenes

6. Prom Night - Carrie

Malignant Jail
United Artists

Let's be honest, would you ever expect the target of your high school bullying to secretly harbour telekinetic powers and then unleash them upon you when you execute your cruellest prank? Surely not.

In Carrie, the title character's (Sissy Spacey) long-time bully Chris (Nancy Allen) plots with her boyfriend Billy (John Travolta) to pour a bucket of pig's blood over Carrie just as she's crowned Prom Queen.

The hideous "prank" goes just as expected - at least at first, until Carrie freakin' snaps at the masses of students and teachers alike who may or may not have been laughing at her misfortune.

Carrie uses her abilities to seal the exits to the gymnasium and set the damn thing on fire, killing everyone trapped inside.

And when Chris and Billy - who escaped before the gym was sealed - then try to run Carrie over, she flips their car, which subsequently explodes in a fatal fireball.

Now granted, Carrie certainly went too far, but there's nevertheless a perverse satisfaction in seeing her callous tormenters dispatched in such unforgivingly brutal fashion.

They thought they were picking on the quiet, meek girl, blissfully ignorant to the fact that she happened to be manifesting literal fresh hell from within.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.