10 Best "You Don't Know Who You're Messing With" Horror Movie Scenes

4. Gizmo Goes Rambo - Gremlins 2: The New Batch

Malignant Jail
Warner Bros.

Gremlins' Gizmo may be just about the most adorable fictional creature ever conceived - sorry, Grogu - and so it's easy to assume from his impossibly cute exterior that he doesn't have a single aggressive or combative bone in his body.

But in Gremlins 2, the Gremlins find out firsthand that this isn't quite true. After being tormented and tortured by the evil Gremlin Mohawk for most of the movie, Gizmo decides to get even, and all it takes is a paper clip, a rubber band, a pencil, and a bottle of Tippex.

After Mohawk drinks the spider serum and grows into a grotesque arachnid-Gremlin, Gizmo shows up with his MacGuyver'd together bow and arrow - while rocking a Rambo-inspired red bandana no less - which he then fires into Mohawk, setting him aflame and killing him.

And to top it all off, Kate (Phoebe Cates) then asks her fiancé Billy (Zach Galligan) what happened to Gizmo, to which he hilariously replies, "I guess they pushed him too far," again nodding to that Rambo influence.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.